Title: Time passes. listen time passes | |
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Date Posted:04/09/2018 13:43Copy HTML “Time passes, listen time passes”… Yes it is amongopening lines from Dilan Thomas’s ‘Under Milk Wood’ but in recent years it hascome to mean something else to me: my time now has two clocks. I spend the vast majority of my time (or at least itfeels that way) ‘waiting’. I am waiting to be summoned by Mistress Angelica: this isby design; it happens that way because I asked Her to make me wait for Hersummons and once made that was an irredeemable choice. Let me explain, I am Mistress Angelica’s slave, I belongto Her and I therefore want to be used only as and when it suits Her. She neverdresses or does anything for my pleasure or because I pay Her to. Far from it,I am Her slave, Hers to command, as, if and ‘only’ when it suits Her. Mytribute is given freely to assist with Her expenses, it has no other purpose orvalue. As for the nature of this time; my time spent ‘waiting’passes very slowly, as does all time spent waiting for something You reallywant. I follow Her tweets avidly but never join in because I could not trustmyself to do so. I would hog the show and give myself away in next to no time.Nor do I phone Her incessantly. She would bar all my calls if I did. On therare occasions that I phone Her unexpectedly, I always have a good reason fordoing so and try serval times but always give up in order to avoid getting Heranswerphone, if my message will not do. On the plus side, I know She will alwaysread my emails and I can contact Her in that way without any restrictions. I try totell Her just how I’m feeling but never to ask direct or irrelevant questionsthat demand a reply. This then is my normal measure of time: my ‘waiting time’.I just follow Her twitter account and have the constant and intimate connectionof living in Her chastity device, which I know pleases Her and I now accept ispermanent. Once Her summons arrives however my clock changes gearcompletely….. It is no longer a stop-watch conting the time to ‘unspecified’event but becomes a ‘countdown clock’ to an inevitable submission. This clock is not constant either however! ‘Longing’ to see Her slows it down and ‘fear’ speeds itup. I am now in that state with just weeks to go and only onething is sure, there is no way out and no going back. “Time passes, listen time passes” bob |
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Re:Time passes. listen time passes Date Posted:04/09/2018 17:33Copy HTML If only I could get the line spacing and formatting right on this site