Title: EMPATHY | |
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Date Posted:05/11/2018 12:06Copy HTML A recent tweet, you can see it here, https://twitter.com/MAngelica1UK/status/1059105033864781825 got me thinking about the empathy and thoughts of the two parties, Domme and sub, in a "D/s position". The tweet shows Mistress Angelica sat, legs crossed, with a slave at Her booted feet, resting his head high up on Her thigh. In itself it`s a very powerful image, both calm and reflective; it`s one I have been in many times before, so, from my perspective, I thought I`d try to "analyse" it a little, and try to extrapolate it to other situations. So, you`re sat at your Mistress` feet, head resting in Her lap, before or after a play session. I can only guess what She is thinking, perhaps calm and reflection, reflecting upon the control She has, what direction to take next, sharing the empathy with her sub. By sitting at Her feet, the sub is pleasing Her, but doesn`t that happen without question? She has instructed you in that position, and you obey! What this particular position does allow for, is a time for "coming together". I could go off at a tangent here and say all good Dommes should allow for such moments...... In any case, this is a moment to be shared by both parties. If I`ve been instructed into that position then yes, presumably I am pleasing Her, but I also gain immense pleasure too. I feel so compliant, warm and calm, full of gratitude and acceptance. I can reflect upon Her, my position to Her, Her unquestioned dominance, I can feel Her warmth, Her strength, I can feel Her wash over me. It`s almost as if I want to be absorbed by Her, taken inside Her, captive and safe. Such moments are priceless! If Mistress could read my mind, and She probably can, She`d probably conclude some "topping from the bottom", since to be honest, I`d happily spend all day at Her feet ! At my last meeting I was informed that I had been "trained. So perhaps, pleasure for Her, because She sees the fruits of Her investment? As I say, such moments are priceless.It`s an opportunity to be at one with your Domme, to share Her pleasure, for Her to carry you along, to consolidate and strengthen that connection, and that "connection" can take you so much further. The situation that comes to my mind is when She decides to lay marks on me. Driving home, feeling those marks, checking them at home in the mirror, is just wonderful, in so many ways, but I couldn`t receive those marks without having that connection. I`m no masochist, it hurts, but by focussing on Her, drawing on that connection, the pain becomes an acceptance, a reflection of Her dominance and my position to Her. At my last meeting, following some time away, I struggled with that pain, I struggled with my old friend "connection", he was a little reluctant to come forth, but come forth he did -:). So, as I say above, that image is a very powerful one, both in what it conveys for the moment, for both Domme and sub, and for what it conveys more broadly in other situations. What do you feel when you`re sat at your Mistress` feet? |