Title: D/s psychology | |
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Date Posted:03/10/2018 11:14Copy HTML From a 24/7 female led relationship, to an infrequent relationship with a pro-Domme, what is the submissive psychology that drives these? I can`t help but think that only a particular submissive could enter into such a relationship, that is unrelated to their degree of submissiveness or whether they are "truely" submissive, but is rather more dependent on their "vanilla" qualities. Qualities of reliability, trust, and commitment; the ability to focus their attention on another, to put someone elses requirements before themself, a caring nature. Their submissiveness then becomes an extension of those inherent qualities. In the majority of cases, it is the submissive that drives such a relationship, increasingly so in a more infrequent pro-Domme relationship. hopefully not in a persistant and annoying fashion, but rather in a personal and internal way. Being in an agreed D/s relationship, often associated with being collared, contracted, with specific duties, can provide that submissive with a sense of purpose, of belonging, and a pride in themself and their Domme. Ultimately, with time, the submissive can become "conditioned", calm in the knowledge that they have their place. The Domme can of course facilitate this "journey", in many different ways, but ultimately it is the submiisive that must convince themself of where and why. That journey that the submissive must make is extremely fragile, a wrong move by their Domme, however well intentioned, can reset it completely. It is here that the vanilla qualities of that individual, coupled with their submissiveness, combine to smooth the journey. The interaction between a submissive and their Domme, particulary a pro-Domme, can range from intense to barely insusceptible, so clearly the onus is always on the submissive to adapt and regulate their feelings; it does indeed require a particular submissive. I`ve generalised this somewhat, but my premise holds, it is the submissive that is at the centre of a D/s relationship. Comments? |
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Re:D/s psychology Date Posted:03/10/2018 19:22Copy HTML What a good question maslavem.
I recognise in myself the qualities you mention, and from an established vanilla relationship (of well over 30 years) I would hope my partner would endorse that sentiment. I am minded to think that these traits are almost essential for a true submissive, but would love to hear from someone who feels that they do not apply to them.
In vanilla world I have control, not forcibly, but it works and feels natural, although with that responsibility there is an element of stress which is generated within me. Perhaps that is what has driven me since the early 80’s to look for a release elsewhere, and the ‘pro-domme’ avenue was always a ‘quick fix’.
For me it always used to be about simple restraint/discipline, and that helped me to thrive for years, and I never felt I needed anything else. But then it happens…
If you are lucky enough to meet that kindred spirit there is a switch which is clicked immediately, and in 2010 this happened to me. My submissive tendencies didn’t change, but the pivot point did.
With casual D/s play the ‘punter’ is king, and the ‘service provider’ (wonderful ladies as I found most of them to be) is only one of many in the market place. As a customer you are at the centre of the hub.
When however a sub finds a Domme that fits naturally for them, the perspective changes completely. In my mind I no longer considered that I was in control, and that part of me that thrives outside of vanilla world was released to soar up to even greater heights.
There is however a reality check that each sub (although I prefer now to consider myself as a collared slave) has to acknowledge. I know that my Mistress appreciates my submission, but I need to accept that I am only one of many, and that it is a privilege to be permitted to arrange time with Mistress Angelica. Were I to fail Her, to be dismissed or abandoned, I am under no illusion that She would continue to enjoy life without this particular individual, although I vainly hope that at least in the short term I would be remembered with some fondness for the service I have been permitted to offer.
I on the other hand have freely gifted a part of myself to only one other outside of my marriage. It is a part I can never retrieve or offer to anyone else, so for me control has been lost, and whilst my Mistress is central to whom I now am, the reality is that I am at the end of only one spoke of Her wheel. Though long may that continue for as long as She desires.